miercuri, 30 mai 2012

Storyboard: Show child results

1. To show you child results you need to go on account page. Click on account icon

2. Input your details in the form bellow:

3. After that you'll see your account details and the games result:

joi, 10 mai 2012

Storyboard: Making a new account to receive info about child work

1. You have a button that will get a page where you can input your data for a new account (that button can be found on homepage is right sidebar of website or in the account page)

2. After clicking the above button you'll see the next form where you can input your data:
3. After you finish to put your data you and click the submit button you'll receive a message that the account was made or occurred an error:

4. After you made an account you can go on Account page and login.